Wedge THC | Taphole Clays
Wedge offers wide range of Tap Hole Clays with varying range of Alumina form low to high Al2O3 clays for high production multiple Tap Hole blast furnaces. High Alumina, SiC and FeSi3N4 Taphole Clay for very high output Blast Furnaces (>12,000 ton/day). Alumina-based Taphole Clay for low pressure Blast Furnaces.
The mud gun mass gets erosion early to obtain a trouble free cast, a good and strong tap hole mass with appropriate physical and chemical properties is required. To achieve trouble free tapping of hot metal, and for there to be a constant tap hole length during the tap hole opening operation, which usually takes an hour and ten minutes.
To achieve best performance there should be smooth flow of the hot metal and slag. The delivery speed of the hot needs to be as smooth as possible. These are physical requirements to protect the hearth of the blast furnace.
Good Injection
Good plasticity
Controlled grain size
Easy opening
Low wear rate
Main Benefits:
Increased production
Reduced inter-cast time
High casting time
Reduced operation cost
Benefits of Wedge Tap Hole Clay
Wedge Tap Hole Clay is soft, highly plastic, workable to inject when pushed by mud gun. It is strong and hard to effectively displace tapping liquid and to deliver desired quantity of tap hole mass to the required depth in the tapping channel.
Curing to get sintered at the required strength and without shrinkage to ensure a tight seal within the tap hole.
Highly stable in effecting safe tap hole closure, without self opening, and without tap hole and furnace lining damage.
Effective tap hole mass displacement in the injection direction.
Good spreading ability in the direction perpendicular to the injection direction.
Good high temperature adhesion to the constituents present in the tapping channel.
Highly stable, controlled tapping stream flow without surging or splash.
Durable to withstand penetration, corrosion and erosion by the tapped metal and slag.