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LJC45 | Lemon Juice Concentrate

Buy good quality low cost lemon concentrate made from fresh lemon juice in controlled  temperatures to guarantee enzymatic cloud constancy. The juice made of LJC45 concentrate contains a great, distinctive flavour & colour of single concentration lemon juice.



Brix: 40 - 45

Acidity: 35 - 40

pH: 2.7

Frozen: -18 Degree C


End Use and Benefits

Lemon juice contains many vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, B6, A, E, niacin (vitamin B3) helps lowering cholesterol and improve brain function.

Lemon contains diuretic properties and helpful in treating many infections including urinary tract and also can help in reducing uric acid and assists in flushing out toxins from the body. Lemon juice can help stop nosebleeds and can also aid in ending bleeding gums.

1. Soft drinks

2. Ice creams

3. Ready meals

4. Bakery products
5. Fruit bases

6. Dairy products

7. Fruit beverages.


Packing Details

To ensure its natural flavour, colour, taste of fresh lemons, it is packed frozen in a metal drum, having a plastic lid, and stored at a temperature of -18 degrees Celsius to preserve its quality as well as properties.

Aseptic Bag in MS Drum: 240 Kgs

LJC45 | Lemon Juice Concentrate

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